Re: Do You Consider Font Licensing Questions an Annoyance?
Frode: "It's disingenuous to say it's wrongheaded [to] restrict use as part of physical items when Font Bureau already restricts this use for digital ones (http://www.myfonts.com/viewlicense?lid…3 -
Re: Problems Adding New Weights to Large Font Family
Thomas: "... the W3C wants to make it impossible for us to make a font family that works everywhere. (OK, that's my slightly biased/frustrated interpretation..." What!? We can make font fam…1 -
Re: Alternatives to Creative Suite for testing fonts.
So, in one corner, we have Pablo, and "What CC, I test on the web." (Google, libre font tools, and composition apps). And in the other corner, we have Thomas, and "You need to license …5 -
Re: OpenType SVG color fonts coming to Windows 10 :)
Stay still there, I'm as in favor of custom grinning emoji as the next disgusted type designer, but text fonts are standardized... to be "one" true Black, and the topic here is color, and n…2 -
Re: OpenType SVG color fonts coming to Windows 10 :)